Friday's: 9pm - 1am: KPLA HODGEPODGE - Various mixes, requests, Etc...
Saturday's: 7pm - 9pm: Sharper Edge - Metal Mixes for Klingon Living on Terra
9pm - 1am: Ask Kethas - Klingon survival music, requests, and advice
Sunday's 7pm - 12am: All Request Party - Just as it says...
For requests, questions, or comments e-mail kpla at,
open up Yahoo IM and look for kplaklingonradio
CLICK HERE for our general listener form
To hear us LIVE on the web:
1.) Point your web browser to:
2.) Look under Mixed Format and choose KPLA Klingon Radio.
3.) Pray for us to get better!
OR... If you see we're ON AIR you can Click Here!!!
LIVE Appearances
Scheduled Appearances for 2006
Kethas will attempt a Broadcast from the final Camp Dover!
If a live broadcast from Dover is not possible portions of it will be aired at a later date!
July 4th Weekend with Kethas and Krom!
Want to know what we're planning on doing?
Got a filk song, or bit you'd like us to try?
Just want to keep tabs on us?
E-mail K.P.L.A. Staff
Interested in having KPLA appear at your convention or event? Contact us for more information...